Are you looking for a way to increase your code quality?
TDD is a practice that helps developers write better code. It requires writing tests before developing the actual functional code and then continuously running these tests against it. This may be time-consuming at first, but the long-term benefits are worth it.
But is TDD slow? No, TDD is not slow. TDD might seem slow because you need to write tests and the actual code at the same time. However, in the long run, TDD helps you achieve higher code quality with fewer bugs.
Test-driven development can improve the future of your product. So, how does it work? And what are its benefits? You can find out more by reading this blog post.
What is TDD?
Have you ever spent hours writing code only to find out that it didn’t work as intended?
That’s because you didn’t have any tests! Writing tests upfront can save you time by preventing bugs from ever making it into your product.
Unit testing also improves your overall code quality by forcing you to think about how each piece of functionality works while writing tests. Finally, unit tests allow you to refactor your code with confidence, knowing that you haven’t broken anything.
There are two ways to write tests. First, you can write a new test after writing the production code or before writing the new code. Writing tests before the actual code is known as test driven development (TDD).
TDD is a software development process where the developer first writes tests for new code, then writes the minimum amount of code to pass those tests.
TDD approach is the incremental development of code. It breaks down the development process into three distinct phases:
- Write a failing test that defines what it means for your code to pass or fail.
- Ensure your new code does what you intend it to do by ensuring it passes your test.
- Refactor your source code to make it more readable and maintainable.

Essentially, TDD turns your test code into living documentation and forces you to think about how you should structure your code before you write it.
This process can help developers to ensure that the code they are writing is of high quality.
Test-driven development is also known as test-first software development.
When you write a unit test before you write your code, you can save yourself a lot of debugging time. Unit tests are created to test the smallest piece of code possible, and following this method will allow you to do just that. You’d be surprised how often a tiny change in seemingly unrelated code ends up breaking your main functionality, and unit tests can help prevent this from happening.
Is TDD slow?
If you don’t track the time you spend on debugging, then it’s easy to conclude that testing is slow. But if you track your time spent on debugging and find out what it really takes you to debug code, then you’ll find out that TDD is actually fast.
TDD can be as fast as not using TDD. The process of TDD is iterative, meaning you go back and forth between writing tests and coding. When you are coding, you are writing just enough production code to pass the tests. This approach helps to ensure that you are writing high-quality code that adheres to your company’s standards.
When you inspect in isolation the process of developing a feature using TDD, you might think it’s slow. Without the tests, you will finish the feature faster, right? Well, yes. You might finish the feature sooner without the TDD, but there is less guarantee that the feature is error-free. There is no guarantee that the TDD will catch all the bugs either, but it will catch most of them.
As a result, TDD can reduce defects and save time. So, TDD is not a slow process. But, you need to be aware that TDD is an iterative process, and it may take you more than one iteration to complete a goal.
How TDD can improve your productivity
There are plenty of benefits of TDD. If you want to be more productive, it’s time to start writing tests for your software.
When you write tests first, you are forced to think about what your code needs to do before getting started. This prevents you from over-engineering your code and wasting energy on the wrong things. Instead, you can focus on delivering value quickly and simply because you only write the minimal amount of code to satisfy the failing test. The result is that you end up with a design that is simple and clean.
You don’t have to waste time thinking about how to structure your code because it’s already well structured.
How TDD helps you to improve code quality
TDD helps developers to think of their code in a more organized way. In addition, it helps to create a clean and easy-to-understand code. This will be helpful for testing and refactoring.
Developers can write the test for each feature and then develop the feature. TDD will help you prove that your code works correctly by running tests before deploying the application. After you implement the feature, you spend some time refactoring. Refactoring is a process of improving the code without changing its functionality. For example, you can refactor your code to make it more readable, reduce code duplication, or improve the structure of the existing code.
Clean code is easier to test, easier to maintain, and easier to read. It’s also more fun to work with.
TDD also makes it easier to integrate new features by ensuring that they are not breaking any existing functionality.
How TDD reduces defects
Test driven development can be an excellent way to reduce defects. As you continue to evolve your application with TDD, you add more and more tests to your test suite. That test suite is a great way to reduce bugs. If any of those tests fail, the developer has to look at the code and see if there’s a bug.
You also want that large test suite because it gives you the confidence that in the refactor phase, you can make changes without fear of introducing bugs.
Test-driven development can save time, increase code quality and reduce defects. It’s also a helpful process for developers.
Test-driven development is not slow, but it is an iterative process that can take time to become used to. It allows developers to work on the simplest parts of a system before moving on to more complicated parts. As a result, it can help you see more clearly the future of your product and make it easier to build software.
So, next time you hear of a project that has been developed using TDD, don’t assume that it’s slow. Instead, remember that this is a process that improves the quality of the project.